Monday, March 23, 2009

Fools Can Write Code Too!

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand, but only good programmers write code that humans can understand.
-Martin Fowler

Ye, btol tu. It saves sooooo much trouble!

Hari ini mau pulang on time. Dapat keje baru for client Puncak Niaga tapi tak urgent. So, sambung esok je takyah stayback.

Ok, you, have a great day!


. i . n . a . z . said...

waaaahhh... sambut enibeseri besar besaran yeh. kitorang tak pernah sambut enibeseri. rasa cam awkward plak. paling kuat pun hanta sms je. nak cakap lagi la malu

girlfriday said...

haha mmg agak awkward tapiiii entah teringin nak celebrate ngan kesayanganku :P dah kawen pon malu ke? ko ngan nizam mmg schweeett!

green apple said...

betul. lebih baik cut and paste je code orang lain dah buat pastu claim code buat sendiri.


girlfriday said...
