Tapi dalam gugel2 tadi terjumpe plak something as interesting jugak, 'Interview From The Grave - Leonardo Da Vinci', tapi yg ni versi main-main je kott. Contohnye excerpts yg ni:
Host - Leonardo, welcome to tonight’s program.
Leonardo - Thank you, thank you, it is a pleasure to be here. One doesn’t get the opportunity to get out much these days.
Hihi. Yeah I bet u're rightttt. 
Okay this thing yang really captured my attention, sbb pernah baca pasal dia menulis dari kanan ke kiri, pastu tulisan dia tu terbalik macam mirror image. Ke dalam da vinci code ada aa? Sbb aku tak tengok betul2 pon cite tu.
Host - Leonardo, looking at many of your notes, one may think that you used the image reflected on a mirror to write.
Were you trying to hide your ideas in that way from the religious authorities?
Leonardo - Oh! Not at all! I wrote in that way because I'm left handed and it came naturally to me. It was easier and faster to write that way, it followed the flow of my ideas.
Ada plakkk dorang ingat dia tulis camtu sbb tanak kasik orang paham... 
So bile tengok jawapan Leonardo tu, terus terpk, eh betulla, kalo kite tulis tangan kiri, mmg lagi senang nak tulis terbalik kottt. Aku terus experiment tulis ngan tangan kiri dan terbalik, agak susah aa, tapi mmg terasa natural. For a leftie, sure korang rasa lebey natural kot? Acu cuba try test sikit tengokkk. Kalo ija ada kat seblah, konpem dia akan jadik bahan ujikaji aku skang.

Ohhh! Come to think of it!! Patutlaaaaaaaa ija tereeee terbalikkan perkataan!

Sungguh menerujakan laa how our left/right brain works!
Sangat memaksa diri untuk ke opis lately. Projek P** K*** ni masih lam phase mengadap blueprint ngan miting tak sudah2 yg langsunggg aku tak paham sbb selama ni manade kena miting pon. So sangatlaaa boringnyierr! Next week lak kene gi opis dorang yg sak-ess tu sbb takleh connect vpn dari opis! Tensi!
Company B belum memberi kata putus ni walaupun aku dah sound agent tu smalam, good news ke, bad news ke, habaq mai je kat aku. Dia janji dia akan call once dia dah tau. Masih ada secebis harapan walaupun dah rasa rezeki itu bukan untuk aku dah tu.. Tsk tsk.
Takpe, kalo konpem tak dapat, usaha untuk carik keje lain akan dipergiatkan semula.
You know you love me!
XOXO, girlfriday
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